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introduction to american sounds

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introduction to american sounds
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إسلام الحداد

مدرب معتمد مركز الحساب العلمى جامعة دمياط


English language skills
1 minute

Causes of Egyptian Accent
2 minute

The sounds of the letter t (the initial case strong t)
1 minute

The sounds of the letter t (the second case is the weak t)
2 minute

pronunciation of Can and Can't
3 minute

Held t (the second case)
2 minute

The third phonetic rule nt
1 minute

The tr sound
1 minute

The sounds of the letter d
2 minute

The sounds of the letter d
2 minute

The third phonetic case (the dr sound)
1 minute

The third phonetic rule (th sounds)
3 minute

The fourth phonetic rule (L sounds)
2 minute

End of the course
1 minute

Advantages of enrolling in the course
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    Accessibility to the course at all times.
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    Completion certificate.
the course contains :
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    Student Count : 304 Student
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    Video count : 14 Video
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    10 minute
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    Level : beginner