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English From Zero to Hero lvl 4

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"English from Zero to Hero" is the most comprehensive English language learning course, designed to cover all aspects of the language from beginner to advanced levels. The course offers a complete curriculum suitable for learners of all levels, from beginners who want to build a solid foundation in English to advanced speakers seeking to refine their language skills. The course includes comprehensive lessons in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening, and speaking,
about the trainer
د محمد نبيل

محاضر ومدرب دولى معتمد


Reading texts
15 minute

the future
14 minute

Adjectives ending in ed or ing
10 minute

used to / be used to / get used to
9 minute

Organizing vocabulary
16 minute

Imperfect verbs
5 minute

infinitives and gerunds
8 minute

Vocabulary and meanings
12 minute

Word links
9 minute

Adverb and adjective
9 minute

Passive sound
18 minute

7 minute

Advantages of enrolling in the course
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    Accessibility to the course at all times.
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    Completion certificate.
the course contains :
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    Student Count : 7 Student
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    Video count : 12 Video
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    2 hour 7 minute
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    Level : advanced