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communication skills

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course content

Afraid of phone calls? Do you put on a fear mask when someone approaches you? Communication skills are important and will help you in your social life. we take your hand from being afraid of talking to people to getting the ability to get deep in conversations and topics easily. Communication skills are between your hand.
about the trainer
د رشا الدياسطى

ماجستير فى إدارة الأعمال وباحث دكتوراه


part one
2 minute

part two
5 minute

part 3
3 minute

part 4
3 minute

part 5
1 minute

Advantages of enrolling in the course
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    Accessibility to the course at all times.
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    Completion certificate.
the course contains :
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    Student Count : 316 Student
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    Video count : 7 Video
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    15 minute
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    Level : beginner